Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (NCad)

The Netherlands National Committee for the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes (NCad, Nationaal Comité advies dierproevenbeleid) advises the Minister on aspects including the possibilities and obstacles for researchers to conduct research without testing on animals. The NCad also encourages and guides the development of so-called targets. These targets comprise concrete goals for animal-free innovations.

Targets for animal-free innovations

The targets outline the goals per research domain for using less animal testing in research of the same or higher quality. The targets are set by experts from each field. For instance, in fundamental and translational research. Translational research takes the results from fundamental research and turns them into practical applications.

Opportunities for animal-free methods

The experts map out all animal tests and assess the opportunities for animal-free methods. They also look towards developments that could lead to more animal-free research. In doing so, animal tests are no longer regarded as the only method for research, or the so-called gold standard.

NCad: for today’s laboratory animals and tomorrow’s innovations

The NCad is an independent advisory body that protects the welfare of laboratory animals. It does so by providing solicited and unsolicited advice. The NCad also encourages innovation and the development of knowledge and unites stakeholders. This leads to visible improvements in replacing, reducing and refining animal testing (the three Rs) and animal-free innovation.