- Latest
- Documents
- Why TPI
What TPI does
- Sharing stories and conducting a dialogue
- Vibrant TPI hubs are emerging
- TPI in Europe
- Animal-free innovation: discover it yourself!
- Putting animal-free methods on the market faster
- TPI.tv: exchange network for professionals
- Helpathon for animal-free methods
- Help for animal-free startups
- Conference The 3Rs and NAMs: all inclusive?
Partners TPI
- Collaborating ministries
- Dutch Society for the Replacement of Animal Testing (Stichting Proefdiervrij)
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
- Association of Health Funds (SGF)
- Young TPI
- Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland)
- Universities of the Netherlands (UNL)
- Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)
- Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (NCad)
- Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
TPI in stories
- Praneeta Konduri, Postdoc at Amsterdam UMC, specialises in image processing in patients who have had an acute ischaemic stroke
- Nynke Kramer, a Toxicology Department toxicologist at Wageningen University and Research on computer models for toxicological research
- Ronald Buijsen, Senior Researcher specialising in human genetics, RNA therapy and 3D brain models (LUMC)
- Sue Gibbs: “I am a born optimist!”
- Henriëtte Bout: “We must ensure that the discomfort about the use of animals for science remains part of the discussion”
- Peter van Meer: ‘International cooperation is key to achieving progress’
- Jos Joore: ‘It is your duty to work hard to find alternatives to animal experiments’
- Martje Fentener van Vlissingen: ‘The road ahead includes the use of human tissue’
- Janneke Hogervorst: 'Hurting sensitive animals against their will and bringing them harm is a choice'
- Peter van Dijken: 'Non-invasive measurement in humans is the new Holy Grail'
- Monique Janssens: 'Awareness around animal studies has increased due to the pandemic'
- Ellen van den Bogaard: “Research into 3D skin models for better science”
- Else Tolner: “By having brain measurements conducted at home, we hope to discover what triggers migraine attacks, without the use of animal studies.”
- Yvonne Staal about Air-liquid interface (ALI): innovative progress
- Anne Tukker: "You don’t need laboratory animals to test whether drugs have epilepsy as a side effect"
- Berend van der Meer: “Growing heart muscle cells is like science fiction”
- Daniela Salvatori: In 5 years’ time we will speak of humanised science
- Sonja Beken: ‘My motto is always: communication and cooperation!’
- Willemien Wieland: ‘Cooperation is crucial to the transition to entirely animal-free testing
- Professor Rotmans: This is the first time I’ve seen the government instigate a transition.
- Rob Vries: ‘The only way to accelerate the process is to increase funding’
- Henk Smid: 'We must unite our strengths to seize opportunities'
- Wouter Dhert: ‘The idea is to translate findings to patient care as effectively as possible’
- Anton Berns: ‘Eliminating animal testing entirely is a pipe dream’
- Ype Elgersma: ‘You can't just try out random ideas using charitable donations’
- Christine Mummery: ‘People need to know what is and is not possible’
- Tom Oostrom: ‘My chief concern is improving care for the patients’
- Tino Fonteijn: “There’s much more scope for guaranteeing the safety of products without animal testing than is currently permitted”
TPI initiatives
- Centre for Animal-Free Biomedical Translation (CPBT)
- Subsidy programme: More Knowledge with Fewer Animals (MKMD)
- VitalTissue uses residual tissue from operations
- Promising research using human data
- Regulations for advanced therapy (ATMPs)
- Subsidies for assessing the safety of substances without animal testing
- Research into safe human foods without using animals
- Taking stock: animal testing remains important for brain research
- Coordinated research into animal-free innovation
- Research programme on human measurement models
- Artificial intelligence for animal-testing-free research
- Targets for animal-testing-free research
- Learning from COVID-19 research
- Beyond Animal Testing Index (BATI)
- ‘Virtual human’ computer model assesses the safety of substances
- About TPI
- Team Transition Programme for Innovation without the use of animal