Vibrant TPI hubs are emerging

Parties across the country are joining forces for animal-free innovation.

Animal-free lessons in Utrecht

A group of teachers at Utrecht Science Park (USP) would like to train their students for a world in which animal testing is not the norm. They are convinced that this will benefit science. New research methods using test-tube or petri-dish studies in combination with computer models can often tell us more about whether a drug works or a product is toxic for humans than animal testing can. They are therefore forming a helpdesk with experts who can answer questions on testing without using animals. In addition, they are linking researchers together with the aim of achieving animal-free innovation by exchanging knowledge. The veterinary science students themselves also practice on avatars instead of real animals.

Read more on TPI Utrecht.

Animal-free innovation in Leiden

At Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP), various organisations are developing methods through which the processes and side-effects of medicines can be studied using less or even no animal testing. To promote collaboration, the LBSP is setting up a network for business owners, researchers and students. In this way, knowledge, facilities and experiences can be shared. The network has a lot of potential, as shown at the launch in a Tech Talk held in Naturalis on 26 April 2022.